Subliminal seduction is one of those things that guys would drop everything to learn about, even if it would cost them money to do so. This is because not every guy out there is born with Casanova’s skills and talents in the dating department. Not every guy is born to look like a Greek god, either, nor is every guy born with a bank account that could buy them the stars.

Normal guys who find themselves in the dating game are usually those who have no idea what the rules even are to begin with. Well, the rules basically involve the right mindset and personality that will attract girls to you like bees to honey. This is where subliminal messages come in. If you want to find out more about how to pick up girls using subliminal seduction techniques and become the envy of every other guy that you know, then read on.
Upon hearing the words ‘subliminal power‘, a lot of guys seem to think that it involves mental powers and hypnotizing girls into falling in love with them, but this isn’t actually how subliminal seduction techniques work. Guys from all around the world have wanted to learn how to seduce girls every single time without fail or how to get girls to call them and ask them out, so that they no longer have to put too much effort into the matter. Well, seduction is a form of art, so things work pretty differently.
A lot of guys tend to walk into the seduction field with a completely wrong approach and a bad mindset, so it really isn’t any wonder why so many of them fail in this game overall. What you need to know is that girls can actually sniff out when guys aren’t confident in themselves or if they have the wrong idea in mind. The truth is: a guy’s most powerful tool in this game would be his mind. Believe it or not, he can easily attract members of the opposite sex with it. So, while good looks and a lot of money may play a factor in the game sometimes, it is easy to trump those things if you have the right mindset in female seduction from the very start.
So, for starters, let us touch on subjects that research and personal experience has brought about so far. Contrary to popular belief, for instance, girls don’t always look for guys who are extremely good-looking. They don’t always look for rich guys, either. What girls do respond to positively, though, are confident guys who are easy to talk to, are funny, have good social value and understand girls in one way or another. Unfortunately, that is where guys tend to fall short, in general: they simply do not understand the opposite sex.
Well, subliminal messages can help you out with ease if you are currently having trouble in this department. This is because there is a special technology behind it that uses unperceived messages in the form of sounds or texts, which can reprogram your mind and help you get rid of any desperation, fear and uncertainty in your system altogether. These subliminal messages can make you more confident, more charismatic and more charming in the eyes of girls in no time. And, once these traits become natural to you, girls will start to believe everything that you say and be in awe of everything that you do, thus making them fall in love with you in no time at all.
If you want to know the most effective subliminal seduction techniques that you can use to win over the girl that you like and use it as leverage in order to succeed in the dating game altogether, then here they are.
First of all, you need to identify the specific seduction factors that girls actually respond to: attitude, confidence and body language. Now, attitude doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to dress in all black and act like you are angry at the world all the time, though. While it is true that you should be a little aloof when it comes to this, you still have to be approachable, too. In other words, you have to make girls believe that you are a nice guy even though you don’t get too close to them or pay too much attention to them. Here are other traits that women find attractive in men.

Keep in mind that seduction is all about mind games as well. In other words, if you look too interested in a girl, then chances are, nothing will ever happen between the two of you. However, if you act like you don’t care very much and just offer her half-smiles instead of real smiles, then you are sure to intrigue her and make her think about you more often than not.
Confidence is definitely a great subliminal seduction technique to use, too. Act like you are the best-looking guy in the room whenever you enter want. Look at girls confidently and talk in a confident manner, as well. Also, do not seem afraid and never falter. Remember: girls can smell fear fro miles away and they never show interest in guys who reek of that fear when they talk to ladies.
Lastly, you need to know how body language works, as it is another highly effective subliminal seduction technique. If you can read female body language, then you will be able to take full advantage of it. Some of the things you should learn is how to make girls feel more connected to you through the use of it. Try leaning over slightly whenever you talk to a girl that you like, for example, and don’t forget to keep your eyes on hers, either. Once you respond to female body language properly, you should be able to see her expression change as the girl in question starts to enjoy and love your company.
Of course, these are just a few of the subliminal seduction techniques that you can look into nowadays to pick up girls, and probably get a girlfriend, but they are definitely the most effective ones. Try them!
I have heard of being able to buy a computer program that would allow me to design my own personal subliminal CD. Is this true? Does it work?
Attitude, confidence and body language. Don’t look for the girl of your fantasies, if you want to succeed and score. Look again, target a girl close to your reach.
be yourself and be CONSISTENT with your actions. That’s it! And make sure that you are financially and emotionally stable before you try to attract the girl that you like. haha!