Contributed by Dr_Keith, our resident forum moderator.
The vast majority of SonicSeduction users lead busy lives indeed. If you’re one of them, it makes sense if you can’t seem to find any free time to go out at night and try to meet girls at bars and clubs. Just because you are constantly busy doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to stop looking for a girlfriend altogether, though. It may not be as easy for you to find yourself a girlfriend as for other guys who have lots of free time to search for one, but you don’t need to give up on the search altogether.
Here are several tips on how to get a girlfriend despite not having a ton of free time to do so:
- Tip 1: Learn how to manage your time more effectively.
If you don’t have a lot of free time, then you need to learn how to make some. It’s that simple. If you really want to find a girlfriend and if you want to find one soon, then you have to put aside some time for a proper social life. In fact, this would be of the utmost necessity.
You shouldn’t have too much trouble finding a girlfriend if you go out every now and then, but you will definitely need to be effective in terms of time management and setting aside enough free time if you really want to succeed with this task in the end. Even the best SonicSeduction techniques will be useless if you don’t have the opportunity to use them.
And if you’re new to our dating philosophy, click here for a quick guide.
- Tip 2: Try out online dating websites.
If you quickly look through the profiles of girls on online dating websites, you will soon come to notice that a lot of them do not have a lot of time to go out and meet guys. Sound familiar? So, if you want to meet somebody who actually understands your busy lifestyle, then online dating websites would be the best bet for you. Aside from that, you will also come to find that communicating with girls online is much easier for a busy guy because you will be able to maintain your contact with them during your own free time. Editor’s note: our previous techniques on how to ask a girl out are also applicable in the online context.
- Tip 3: Learn how to avoid making mistakes in the process.
Since you already lead a busy lifestyle, it would also be best for you to avoid making mistakes while trying to find a girlfriend. As such, you might want to do some research and learn about what girls like, in general, before you begin your search. If you prepare yourself for the search beforehand by learning about effective things that you can do to attract a girl that you like, the less time you will end up wasting trying to perfect the process in the long run.
PRO TIP: Using some “shortcut tactics” will help in giving you the early success that will give you the momentum to kickstart your progress. Fractionation is one of those tactics.
Many guys waste a ton of time looking for a girlfriend merely because they have no idea what girls like to begin with. Since they don’t know where to start, they end up trying over and over again until they get things right. Unfortunately, this means that they also waste more and more time – something that you simply cannot afford to waste, if you already lead a busy life to begin with.
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