You probably know a nice woman who has a sweet personality, shapely body, and a gorgeous face, yet only seems to only want to date jerks and scumbags. And you wonder… how can you get her to like you instead?
Of course, you may already be well equipped with a barrage of cutting-edge seduction techniques courtesy of Derek Rake’s Shogun Method program, and you want to know how to handle the “power” to use it to attract women quickly…
… or you may be new to the game and want the quickest and easiest way to your woman’s heart.
Either way, there’s a grounding principle of seduction that you must know, and it is this:
Although men mainly get attracted to the opposite sex because of their physical beauty, women mainly get attracted to men because of how they make them FEEL.
What does this mean? Well, quite simple, actually.
To women, the perfect man would be an alpha male – a man with a ton of self-confidence and a take-control attitude in life. Yes, very much like you’re the archetype Shogun as preached by Derek Rake. 🙂
But here’s the kicker though. Even the most confident of us need a couple of “booster” techniques that we can use anytime we see a beautiful woman we want to approach and attract.
In this guide, there are three of these techniques which you can use to take your game to the next level. And to make things even better, they are quite easy to learn and master.
Before We Proceed…
Before we go any further, I’ve got to ask you:
- Do you really want to do well with women?
- Do you desire the ability to put any woman under your control and dominance?
- Are you prepared to keep an open mind in order to receive this valuable knowledge that I am going to give you?
If your answer is “yes” for all three questions, then you’re already ahead of the pack, mindset-wise.
Make no mistake – the knowledge that you’re going to find here in this guide will transform your dating life for the better, but only if you take careful notes and not miss out on anything.
To help you out, I’ve prepared a simple Action Checklist which you can use whenever you want to use these techniques on a woman. Simply leaf through this beautiful PDF document and check off everything in the Checklist so that you’re sure that you haven’t forgotten anything.
Easy, right?
And even better: I’ve also included a bonus extra technique which is not inside this article. (I’ve got to keep the technique under wraps – you’ll understand why once you see it.)
Download the Action Checklist here:
When you’ve downloaded the Action Checklist, kindly refrain from sharing it with anyone else, alright?
Great. 🙂
Mind Control vs Pickup Artist Tricks
Before we go into the three techniques that you’re going to learn today, there’s something that you should know…
You’ll realize that what you read here is entirely different from Pickup Artist (PUA) stuff that you may be familiar elsewhere.
There’s no better way to put it, but truthfully, Mind Control techniques put PUA trickery to shame. And if you’ve been using these PUA tricks on women, you should know that they are harmless at best, and entirely counter-productive at worst.
Indeed, if you’ve been actively using PUA stuff or regurgitating pickup lines or “openers” then listen to me and put that behind you. Instead, embrace what really works and join us in the Mind Control movement.
To start you off, attend this online Masterclass on Mind Control conducted by Derek Rake (founder of the Shogun Method). It will give you a good grounding on how to use Mind Control to put any (yes, any) woman under your dominance.
Enter your primary email address here –

Get an exclusive invite to Derek Rake's online Masterclass by entering your best email address below. No credit card required.
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Then, check your inbox to get your exclusive invite to the Masterclass. If you don’t see the email (and especially if you’re using Outlook or Hotmail), check your spam folder.
Once you’ve finished watching the online Masterclass, proceed to the next section where we will talk about the infamous “Disqualification” technique.
The “Disqualification” Technique

Here’s the absolute best attitude to portray to get the woman to pay attention to you…
…complete nonchalance and non-attachment to how she feels.
If she seems to like you, then that’s great.
If not, no biggie. Move on…
Ironically, this means that you have to make a woman feel like she has to earn you if you want to get her to like you.
(In Shogun Method terms, it means that she’ll need to qualify herself.)
In other words, you have to make her believe that you are a man of high value… or at least, higher value than her.
So how do you plant this idea in her mind then?
Well, here’s how. Avoid looking (and feeling) needy. In fact, pretend like you don’t care at all if she likes you or not (yes, pretend if you must).
However, if she doesn’t, don’t beat yourself up over it.
After all, there are a lot of other women out there worth your time – remember that! As a Derek Rake disciple, you’ll be spoiled for choice. 🙂
The “Challenger” Technique
When you “disqualify” a woman, you cannot show a woman that you feel challenged by her.
In fact, on the contrary, you should be the one challenging her.
You see, aside from making yourself look valuable in her eyes, you can also build up your social circle to eliminate neediness altogether.
And since women are generally easy to become friends with, try to become friends with more women from now on.
Guess what? It’s easy to attract women to you once you know the ENTICE/REPEL technique which is shown in this nifty little 4-minute video below –
Don’t stop there. Approach more women – it’s all a number’s game… remember that! (Sidenote: if you need help on mastering the art of asking a girl out, read this article.)
Alternatively, understand that approaching women tends to come across as a little more challenging than it should – be sure to read our killer guide on approaching women (click here).
Also, with the Shogun Method, you can date more women, and you should. Do not just focus on a single woman. The last thing that you would want is to obsess over a woman whom you deem to be irreplaceable.
Moreover, if you date several women at once, you won’t become needy or clingy in any way.:)
Remember that having multiple relationships is not necessarily bad… despite what the society deems to be morally acceptable.
Whenever women see other women fawning over a man, they instantly feel the need to do the same.
In the world of psychology, this is called “social proof“, and as a seduction technique, it’s super powerful.
If you have ever noticed several women drooling over a single man at a bar, then that would be social proof happening in real life.
This rather long-winded Wikipedia article outlines the technicalities of what social proof is. All you’ll need to know is that it’s a potent seduction tool, and if you use it in conjunction with a technique such as fractionation then you can expect explosive results right from the bat.
(Continue reading below to find out what fractionation is.)
Now, I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with finding a woman uniquely and singularly gorgeous. Indeed, when you fall in love with a woman then everyone else seems to fade into the background. That’s only natural.
The secret simply lies in reminding yourself that there are a ton of other women out there, as well, who are just as gorgeous as the woman that you like, if not even more so…
… and when you have mastered a technique like Fractionation (and a complete seduction system like the Shogun Method) then you’ll soon get more options that you could ever handle as far as women are concerned.

If you let a woman think that she is unique in your eyes, this will give her power over you.
And herein lies the danger: once she notices that she has the power in the relationship, she will lose interest in you in no time.
Place yourself on a pedestal, make her see that you are worth the trouble…
…and date other women while you’re at it! 🙂
And to help you do all that, you can get started with just the Fractionation technique as outlined at DerekRakeHQ (click this).
With the knowledge that you’re going to acquire, you’ll be getting the power of attracting any woman into your arms so easily that you’ll laugh. (And yes, it will even work on women with boyfriends… just tweak it so that it turns into a killer boyfriend destroyer tactic… same stuff.)
Take my word for it. 🙂
A Final Word of Warning!
Finally, we will need to warn you against using this knowledge to make women “addicted” to you.
In particular, remember that karma is a real bitch, and you should always leave them better than when you found them.
Subliminal seduction techniques such as Fractionation is morally neutral, and it’s up to you to use it for good OR bad.
And with that said, only use this knowledge if you are not out there to harm women!
Also, our lawyers have advised us to insert this disclaimer at the end of this article: you are solely responsible for all the actions that you take resulting from the knowledge that you have gained from this article.
So, only if you will agree NOT to misuse this knowledge, click on this link below for an online Masterclass on how to use Fractionation (and other Mind Control techniques) to attract women:
Watch Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass On Fractionation
(You’ll need to enter your email address so that the link to the video is emailed to you directly. The link usually comes in a couple of minutes… so be patient!)
Watch the presentation, and you’ll soon have unlimited success with women, pretty much guaranteed.
Good luck, and leave me a message below! 🙂
I love the perspective!
Women are hard!
I mean they think they are in charge and that they have power over men… and they think they could boss us men around.
Right on….I am a woman and so tired of always seeing the guys playing the same stupid games over an over. Now I am a master at playing them and they feel like retards because I make sure to let them know right before they think that they got me… So funny. We need real men I fell like I am surrounded by stupid brainless robots. 🙂
Also to learn more about their tactics just read what they say in forums. Like sosuave which is the most disgusting revelation about their stupidity. Some women fall for it but because they don’t have experience or because they have the same mentality. This men are predators and they go for the young girls, they destroy them emotionally and then complain about them. It is absolutely disgusting.
But for those who want to be a better human being you need to educate yourself. So you can detect this tactics and make sure to let them know so we break this cycle and educate them at the same time. Respect is what separates humans from the rest of the animals.
I used to think that women will be happy if I would do anything for them… but Shogun Method really opened my eyes. You’ve got to be “cruel” to be kind. If you love a woman, dominate her!
Playing games and any women worth dating will spot you like a vulture to decaying flesh and she’ll either play you or not be bothered.
You want to attract a woman, be genuine. That is all
That’s what a WOMAN would typically say. I’ve used the Fractionation / Disqualification / Challenger combo many times, and they’ve never failed me.
Women are clueless!
I agree. I sometimes wish that others don’t know the Shogun Method… less competitors for the same babes for me. But it will be entirely selfish for me (and others) to hide this from other guys. I’ve been using it to nail the woman of my dreams, and I’m thankful for it.
On the contrary, women are far from clueless. If you know your gaming material, it’s a well known fact women are high tuned intuitive and can pick up BS a mile off. Just because you know and use combos doesn’t make a woman stupid. They just don’t have to study seduction techniques like you do. Cats out of the bag now anyways, women are aware of Pickup Artists.Play and get played back… all part of the game. Hopefully by now you will only at least go after the kind of women you respect.
Thank you. I would date you just for being smarter than the rest. I study these techniques and I’m astounded that otherwise smart, nice men think they will work on me. It’s so predictable, unnatural and a turn-off. My advice: act naturally, speak your mind candidly, be sweet.
I’ve seen this work first hand soooo……but anyway carry on believing what you want
Woman are attracted to jerks while the nice guy ways get screwed and they don’t even recognize the good guy. Good guys get tired of that. And like it or not, seduction techniques like Fractionation evens out the playing field. Good job, Sam! I love Derek’s work.
Please. Try this, or shut your trap. That’s all.
Right on….I am a woman and so tired of always seeing the guys playing the same stupid games over an over. Now I am a master at playing them and the feel like retards because I make sure to let them know right before they think that they got me… So funny. We need real men I fell like I am surrounded by stupid brainless robots. 🙂
I finally met my match with my current boyfriend when he played his mind games on me. I suspect that he was using the stuff that you mentioned here. I once caught him talking about “Fractionation” with his buddies… was that what he was doing on me!?
Don’t ever doubt this, lads. I was first pretty skeptical about this, and then I reluctantly gave it a try… and gosh, it worked. Geez… wasted so much time on other crap when I should have just used this.
Enough is enough. Women know and can read through bullshit a mile away.
There’s a very small percentage of men that actually gets women.
I’d love to get your newsletters.
Can you share more about confidence and mustering it up before a date? Are there specific techniques that guys can use to boost their confidence? Does your sonic seduction system offer these techniques?
From everything I’ve gone through and learned along the way, I tend to agree with you that confidence is one of the biggest attractors for women. But how does one become confident if your upbringing didn’t bless you with it naturally? I know there is the whole ‘fake it til you make it’ gig but that seems useless in practice. Guys want genuine confidence and women can pick up the fake stuff instantly.
The only way I know how is to look inwards and explore all those deep-seated fears of being alone that so many guys have. Until you’re able to enter into a date or relationship and genuinely not NEED that person to make your life better, or to make you happy, you won’t be confident. It seems to be our fears of rejection and being alone that really come across as a lack of confidence. Once we know we can thrive on our own two feet, the rules of the dating game change in our favor. That is, the real magic of dating can only be unlocked when you can date knowing in your heart that you genuinely do not need the person you’re with to make you happy, but rather they’re a bonus to an already wonderfully happy life.
What do you think? Any other suggestions to help guys cultivate confidence?
Men – don’t believe these myths. I’m a woman and I know these don’t work at all.
If you want to attract a woman, just be yourself. Don’t play her. If you catch a girl by being a player you’ll have to be a player the rest of your life playing to keep her. Us women are not aliens from another planet. We get frustrated and sad just like you guys. The best way to attract a woman is by using your instinct and intuition.
Don’t forget to BE YOURSELF.
That’s nonsense, Lola, and you know it. Those who are well-versed with Derek’s work will laugh at this belief of yours.
I understand what you are saying, Lola, but after gaining a lot of experience, i can surely say that women are real in every sense but there are some techniques that women respond to very well. That is plain psychology. Like men wearing red appear to be more attractive to women, etc. I completely respect your opinion and agree to it on many levels but end of the day, there is more to it.
Oh and I very much disagree with this: “If you begin to believe that a woman is unique, this will give her power over you. Once she notices that she has the power in the relationship, she will lose interest in you in no time.”
Um, no. When people love each other, they do not lose interest in each other. 🙂 The underlying idea that it’s all about one person having power *over* the other is the fundamental error here. Vulnerability is not powerlessness. It’s the only route to true intimacy in fact.
“Some of the best attitudes to portray to get the woman of your dreams to pay attention to you would be nonchalance and non-attachment to how she feels.” “So, feel free to find a woman amazing – just keep in mind that other women are amazing, too.” These are quite unattractive ideas. Why would I want to date a man who has nonchalance and nonattachment toward me? Who finds many other women attractive? That sounds totally not fun. Sorry Julien Blanc, but I think a man who has “one-itis” for me is the dreamiest.
Typical womanese.
Judge a woman by what she DOES, not what she SAYS. Fractionation works, and my ten girlfriends can attest to that.
End of story.
Womanese, eh? Why not ask Dan directly if using your approach has worked for him on the girls he *most* wants to date? 😉 What you are not sharing with your sonicseduction clients, “Dr.” Stephens, is that once a girl is on to a guy who uses these techniques, the game is over. And the truth does always come out in the end. As I pointed out in my other comment (which you selectively chose not to publish): manipulation, seen for what it is, is totally unattractive. And it is a shame for a man to ruin his chances of true connection by relying on these sorts of techniques.
And privately to you, Sam: ten girlfriends? (Does that mean ten simultaneously, I wonder? 😉 ) Now what girl, if she knew what was going on, would honestly like to be on the receiving end of that? And what man can ever truly respect and love a woman who falls for these tricks? Be honest with yourself. What you are selling your clients is not ultimate happiness: it’s large-scale feminine heartbreak and neverending masculine dissatisfaction.
What he’s selling us is the keys to a good romance without having to worry much about painful heartbreak and rejection. It’s up to men to ethically use it, it’s up to women to ethically use their looks, and playing field can finally level: Girl with looks and Guy with psychology.
FYI guys, using “psychology” on a woman is treating her as an object, not as a full human being. How does it make you feel when you learn that someone has been manipulating you? It’s gross, right? And you don’t want to hang out with them anymore, right? You guys all have to live with yourselves, knowing deep down that you’ve tricked someone into caring about you.
As Dan knows, I liked him the very first moment I met him, before he tried any techniques on me. Realy all he ever had to do to get what he wanted was a) be single and b) ask me out! But his repeated inability to interact with me in an authentic way gradually pushed me farther and farther away. He thought the darkness was the truth, but the darkness is not making him happy (nor will it make any of you happy). Dan, if you return to this thread, I want to make it abundantly clear to you that your use of fractionation IS THE REASON you did not get what you wanted. “Maybe you’re just knocking on the wrong door” – ha! Not every girl wants to live on a roller coaster. His decision to fractionate, as well as his continued insistence on embedded commands, NLP, and tension loops are what ruined his chances. Each man kills the thing he loves, right? I provide this post as a cautionary tale for all of you, for the next time you consider using the Shogun method on a girl you think is out of your league.
Funny. Why do you claim to even know me, Libbie? You’re just making things up, and you know it. Oh, so desperate (and pathetic!) you are!
The sad thing is that deep down you know that Shogun Method works, and that’s why you’re so TRIGGERED to post that little lie that you made up. I don’t blame you, but you can’t help to be attracted to guys like us who use Shogun Method on you, and that’s why you’re hating yourself for it.
Your comment simply demonstrates what Derek Rake has been saying all along: women don’t have a choice because these flaws are all hard-wired inside a woman’s psyche. Blame nature if you will!
Mohammed, the flaw with your reasoning is that you are saying that it is okay for girls to deal with painful heartbreak and rejection, as long as guys don’t have to. Feminine heartbreak is the one and only lasting fruit of using these techniques, as Sam (Mark) can well attest, though that is a place he prefers not to look.
Sam, if I didn’t have a choice here, then why didn’t master PUA Dan even get so much as a kiss? As for why I am here – I happen to have a hobby of bringing dark places to light – all things, not just morally bankrupt dudes. I could text the guy any time, but I don’t. Hmmm wonder why? Because feminine heartbreak does not sound like much fun AT ALL.
There are all sorts of women out there, and we have an enormous capacity to love – which is a treasure and an asset, not a “flaw” to be exploited. It’d be better for you guys to do some inner work, to try to figure out why *you* believe you are creepy and/or unlovable. If you believed you were lovable, you would naturally attract a woman who loved YOU, not your clever scripts and mind control techniques. Wouldn’t that be preferable to all this empty conquest?
Elizabeth, the fact that you’re overreacting on this blog only shows that you’re vulnerable to Mind Control. Otherwise, why are you so worked up?
I never said that Dan’s use of the Shogun method didn’t have an effect on me. It did.
From a woman’s perspective, my response was perfectly understandable, since guys never really saw me as a person, they saw me only as an object to ease their loneliness and horniness. As I said in my earlier post, there is probably something deep down in me that makes *me* believe that I am repellent and unloveable. I surely sensed my own deep-seated belief in my own ugliness, lack of worth, etc. – and although it initially elicited compassion from other guys, their objectification of me eventually snuffed that compassion.
I think part of what you’re talking about with women being attracted to men who use the Shogun method is that we are natural healers. For that, I suppose we can indeed “blame” nature. When women sense that something is broken, we right go to it and try to heal it – as I’m trying to do a bit with you now (but sorry, I’m not going to date you!). 😉 Men using the Shogun method ARE sending out a signal that something very deeply broken in them needs healing. And guess who has that healing for you guys? Women, of course!
On another note, thanks for allowing as many of my thoughts onto your board as you have. I know you don’t always agree with what I say, and in some ways you’ve been quite generous with me here.
I love a girl and she also loves me… but she has a boyfriend, and they have committed to each other to marry.
I know nothing is impossible. i am ready to do everything. Tell me what to do.
Here’s what you need to do: nut up, and disillusionate yourself. She’s engaged for Christ’s sake! If she “loved you and you loved her” then she’d be your fiance, not his! Grow a pair you little bitch! It’s people like you that give men a bad name! Trying to steal another man’s soon-to-be bride! I dub thee pond scum!
I agree with you in every aspect but here’s a tricky thing: you want to give her choices, not forcing yourself on her.
Full disclosure: I used Fractionation / Shogun Method to make a woman leave her boyfriend for me. So there.
Is there an attraction “spray” I can use? The ultimate shortcut!
Joking. The Shogun Method is probably the closest thing to a “shortcut” that exists in the dating and seduction world. Good stuff.
Deborah… you delusional woman. Seduction techniques like Fractionation have worked, and will always work because you won’t have a choice. Google “Derek Rake” and learn about what’s inside that female psyche of yours. You’re after all an emotional creature… driven more by your emotions than by anything else.
OK, I watched the video. Gosh… I’m so pumped!
Anxiously waiting.
Being a hopeless romantic I have studied women all over the world. And found out alot of them aren’t into down to earth men with they’re feet planted on solid ground. They rather be with someone that will treat them like s*** then be with a man that only wants to make sure they feel safe, secure, happy, protected, loved, wanted. I have honor, respect, dignity, integrity, values, morals, character. But to them it not enough. I have been told that I don’t have the right job, car, residence, clothes, money they’re looking for. It has come to a point in life that a good man in no longer what women want in a world that’s full of superficial, materialistic, sarcastic, immature, people. If what I said is wrong, I will be the first to apologize.
I think that’s what we call a Freudian slip of your own reflection of yourself
Alpha male… women can a spot a bullshitter a light year away.
Some dudes just have it and some don’t. Imagine a pygmy man from the Kalahari trying these jacked up ideas…you think he can attract a Sarah Hyland or Scarlett Johansson?
Women can feel your vibe because they have been approached a zillion times since a day after their puberty. So it’s real easy for them to spot a fake from the real… but from experience, you can definitely “fake it until you make it” when it comes to attracting women.
Each woman has her own ideal who she wants to be with. But most of the time (and I am speaking from a woman’s point of view) we women don’t know what we want.
Who knows? What you’re teaching here may well be what we (women) need. If you can help guys achieve their dreams with women, more kudos to you.
Where can I buy these techniques?
Tee only type of woman you are going to attract with this manipulative behavior is a woman who has daddy issues and is suffering of low self esteem and self worth. These ideas posted here are manipulative and twisted. There is no real authentic connection and eventually you will stay alone. This is a great way to end up alone in life. If these conquer methods make you feel like a successful man then that’s pathetic. A woman who values herself can see right through this manipulative behavior and will run toward the hills.
Not if one is covert about it, which is a Shogun Precondition
I used to think that men who manipulate women are scumbags. But then… I got my eyes opened when I got dumped by my girlfriend of ten years despite everything I did for her. It was unfortunate that I didn’t stumble upon Shogun Method earlier… it would have saved me from lots of grief!
I’m still standing on an unstable ground, when it comes to women. I still need help, but I have been played on many times. I was kind, doing everything! Its like Mr Rake is telling the truth here!
I started dating a girl at the start of the summer, and went away for two months. In these two months we kept speaking to each other, but at a party this guy that she used to like a lot kissed her (she told me this while I was away, but said that she wanted to continue with me), however when I got back she said that she didn’t know who she preferred between me and him even though she was didn’t speak to him, and said that she wanted to end it between us because she couldn’t decide who she preferred. Two weeks later I got in touch with her saying that I missed her and she said she missed me too but she was still thinking about this other person, however she said that she wanted our relationship to continue one day. I said that in the meantime we could continue speaking as friends and that is what we did. After 10 days or so she said that she felt strange being just friends and she seemed to become more and more attracted. So we met up for the first time and she kissed me (passionately), all was good, even though she wasn’t always available to go out together (she is 16 so it could be because of her parents). We went out two more times and we kissed and hugged each other a lot, everything was perfect… over a week went by and we hadn’t gone out because she said she always had something on the days that I asked her to do something together. She also seemed to be a little more distant than usual so I asked her what was up and she said that she was totally fine. I then asked (seeing as our relationship seemed to be proceeding well) if she was still thinking about the other person that she kissed in august. She said that he approached her and that made her start thinking about him again, even though she said she hadn’t been thinking about him much recently because she had been with me. She then said that she prefers me more than him and doesn’t want to lose me and wants to keep speaking to me trying to forget him. I was naturally angry at the whole situation and said that I wanted to take a break which only lasted 4 days because I am so in love with her and missed her. After talking she said that she thinks it’s wrong for her to talk to me while she is thinking about somebody else, so breaks up with me saying that she still one day wants to be with me and wants to continue in the future.
10 days have gone by, I haven’t spoken to her, she hangs out with my group of friends so we see each other often, but we ignore each other and sometimes don’t even say hi. I have started speaking to another girl but it’s just not the same and I miss her a lot.
Women can feel the vibe of a man from a mile away. In order to succeed in seducing a woman using mind control tactics like fractionation, you’ve got to build your inner game.
The technique of how to seduce a woman and make her yours forever has finally been revealed. It’s your choice if you’re gonna open your eyes and see women for what they really are or if you are gonna continue with the same inefficient ways that failed you before.
Red pill or blue pill?