Today, you’re going to learn some Boyfriend Destroyer techniques which will completely blow your mind. Trust me… you’ve never seen this before anywhere, and I pretty much guarantee that with my reputation! 🙂
Why I am so sure? Well, it’s because that this knowledge has never been made available before anywhere before, ever.
With this information, you’ll finally discover the most powerful methods on how to attract a girl who already has a boyfriend on God’s good earth.
You may have even stumbled upon some Boyfriend Destroyer techniques elsewhere already, or you may have even seen this video on YouTube –
(If you haven’t seen the video, watch it now. It will give you a good idea on what Boyfriend Destroyers can do for you. Just click the Play button and wait for the video to load.)
If you’re intrigued with the technique in the video, well, you’re gonna get blown away with what I am going to share with you next. I hope you’re excited… because you should!
Before we start though, I gotta get this one thing clear first.
Nothing is going to stop you from using these Boyfriend Destroyer tactics on married women…
… but I’m going to try to discourage you from doing that, and here’s why:
Breaking up marriages is never a good thing.
Ethics and moral issues notwithstanding, the downside to using Boyfriend Destroyer tricks to seduce a married woman can be quite severe.
For one, Mr Jealous Husband is not going to be too pleased. In fact, be ready for the backlash of angry guys knocking down your door at 3 am for stealing their spouses.
I’m not kidding here.
With that said, only continue if you agree to the following condition:
Whatever you do with this information is your own responsibility.
In other words, we can’t be held liable for your actions resulting from this knowledge.
Excellent! Let’s get started, shall we?
One Quick Tip To Accelerate Your Success With The Boyfriend Destroyer
Before we get our hands dirty with the inner workings of the Boyfriend Destroyer, here’s one important thing to bear in mind…
This guide is packed with info and action steps which will pretty much guarantee your success… but only if you perform each step as closely as what I have described to you as possible.
Indeed, if you do what I say here in this guide exactly then chances of you making a woman leave her boyfriend for you is quite high… the cat’s pretty much in the bag, really.
Here’s the kicker, however…
If you happen to miss a step or two, then your chances of being successful will probably plummet to ZERO. I’m sorry, but that’s how Mind Control techniques such as the Boyfriend Destroyer works. Accuracy and execution are very important!
Don’t worry, though, because I’ve worked out the perfect solution for you. 🙂
You see, I’ve developed an “Action Checklist” (which is downloadable in PDF format) which you can look at whenever you want to use the Boyfriend Destroyer technique on a woman.
This way, you won’t wreck your brain trying to remember if you’ve forgotten anything. Awesome, right?
Additionally, inside the Action Checklist, you’ll also get a bonus Boyfriend Destroyer tactic which is not found in this blog article. (It’s called the Boyfriend Smasher, and once you see it, you’ll understand WHY I can’t put it out publicly on a blog.)
Download the Boyfriend Destroyer Action Checklist Here –
There’s something else you gotta promise me though…
Once you have downloaded the Action Checklist, only keep it for yourself – it’s for your consumption only. Don’t share it with anyone else, ok?
Boyfriend Destroyer Tactics: Are They Suitable For You?
To begin, answer this question for me. Do you fall into any of these situations below?
- Your girlfriend (or wife) is threatening to leave you for another guy.
- You are in love with a woman, but she is already attached to another man.
- You want to prevent some jerk from stealing your girlfriend or wife in the future.
If you do, then congratulations: your search for a solution ends right here, right now.
Before we dive into the appropriate Boyfriend Destroyer sequence that will work for you, I want you to understand one thing:
When it comes to seduction techniques, there’s nothing that’s going to work every time, all the time.
(And guess what… if there’s anyone who’s trying to sell you a “Seduction” magic pill, he’s trying to scam you, plain and simple.)
I won’t sell you the proverbial pie in the sky. Like everything else, there’s a bit of work required in order to get the results that you want.
This means that you shouldn’t expect her to immediately dump her boyfriend for you after you spout some lines at her.
Take heart, however…
Our private clients have consistently reported 70-80% success rates, which are exponentially better than the cookie cutter “Pickup Artist”‘ stuff that you find littering the web elsewhere.
This means that if you follow what we say here closely, it’s likely that you’ll get the same awesome results, too.
Also, when combined with something like Derek Rake’s Shogun Method, you will boost your chances of getting a woman to leave her boyfriend for you tremendously.
The “Prophecy” – A Deadly Boyfriend Destroyer Tactic
We’ll talk more about the Shogun Method later below. For now, I’d like to relate to you a story told to me by Derek Rake some time ago.
He told me:
“Mark, I once met a sales trainer in Prague many years ago, and he was reputed to be one of the finest in the world.”
“During our meeting, he taught me a killer strategy which discourages any potential customer from buying from a competitor.”
“When she gets restless and wants to go elsewhere to buy what she wants, this is what I tell her –
Feel free to buy from Competitor XXX, but it will be more expensive, or there will be fewer options for you to choose from.
“In other words, I am prophesying what happens when she goes to a competitor.”
So how does this help the salesman?
Simple… in three ways –
- If the customer decides the stay, the salesman wins.
- If the customer decides to go to Competitor XXX and finds more expensive prices and/or fewer options, she comes back and the salesman wins.
- If the customer leaves for good and never returns, the salesman is no worse than before.
Genius, right?
Now substitute “salesman” for “seducer“, and “customer” for “seduce-e” and you’re golden!
Here’s how you can use a similar “Prophecy” technique on a woman to make her leave her boyfriend for you…
The first step is to disarm her a little. (This can seem to be a little manipulative, but hear me out first, OK?)
Say to her:
“You’re FREE to continue with him, of course. It’s entirely YOUR choice to make.”
(See, there’s a bit of reverse psychology here which works on every woman without fail.)
“Who knows, it might even be a good decision for both you and me.”
(You’re disqualifying her a little, which makes you more attractive to her.)
Next, insert some “Prophecy” into play:
“However, you should already be AWARE that there’s something about him that is NOT ideal…”
(There’s ALWAYS something not ideal about someone… ALWAYS. What you want to do is to bring this non-ideal trait into her consciousness.)
“… this could be something that ANNOYS you… and something you just don’t see in a Perfect Life Partner…”
(Bring up her vision of the “Perfect Life Partner” and her boyfriend will always FALL short of that vision! Evil!)
“… and if you continue to be with him, you’ll discover even MORE of his ANNOYING habits which are highly UNDESIRABLE to you… things that you may find LOATHSOME.”
See how this works?
To recap:
- First, you disarm her, and even disqualify her a little to get her attention.
- Then, you’ll bring up her vision of her “Perfect Life Partner”, and how her boyfriend falls short when compared to that vision.
- Finally, you “predict” that she’ll find even more of his undesirable shortcomings if she continues to be with him.
So how does this help the seducer?
Well, let’s examine the likely outcomes, one by one:
- Situation #1: She buys into what you say, and dumps her boyfriend for you. You win.
- Situation #2: She sticks with her boyfriend, and then finds out what you said is true (she finds out even more about her boyfriend’s bad traits.) You win.
- Situation #3: She sticks with her boyfriend for good. You’re no worse than before.
(Even in Situation #3, you’re free to use yet another Boyfriend Destroyer routine on him – in fact, there are at least five of those inside Shogun Method. So, it’s not game over yet!)
Amazing, isn’t it?
Keep on reading to discover how you can exploit a deadly “cult” strategy to completely annihilate her boyfriend!
What To Do If She Has A Boyfriend? Use Mind Control Strategies On Her!
Back in the 1990s, there was this notorious cult known as the “Branch Davidian”.
Calling its leader David Koresh “charismatic” would be like calling Einstein “intelligent“. Koresh’s ability to persuade, influence and enslave people was simply out of this world.

In 1993, the US government military laid siege to its commune in Waco, killing 76 of the cult members including Koresh himself. Many of these cult members chose to die with Koresh rather than to flee.
What made Koresh so charismatic that people were persuaded to stick with him even when death was imminent?
It turned out what he deployed some pretty hardcore cult strategies which were used to brainwash his followers and enslave them to his cause.
One of these strategies is similar to what we have adapted to be used as a Boyfriend Destroyer technique above – the “Prophecy“.
Here’s how that technique worked inside of a cult:
When a new member is coaxed to join the cult, they warned her that she would be mocked by their friends and family.
That is how cults segregate their targets from the outside world: by preempting them of possible ridicule and derision from society.
As I have shown you above, this is also the same strategy which you can use to segregate the woman you are interested in from her boyfriend.
Understand this –
If this technique can be used to persuade people to die for a cause, imagine what it can do for you for your dating life once you have learned it!
The problem with these Mind Control techniques is that they are often hidden from the public (which makes complete sense because let’s face it – it’s widely seen as immoral by the society at large).
However, if you’d like to get your feet wet with using Mind Control to dominate women then apply to join this online Masterclass here –

Get an exclusive invite to Derek Rake's online Masterclass by entering your best email address below. No credit card required.
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Highly recommended!
“Either Way, I Win” Tactics To Seduce (And Enslave) A Woman
I gotta admit this to you…
Risk-taking is probably not my greatest trait.
This is even more so when it comes to love and relationships. Heartbreaks are especially horrendous for us guys, and I absolutely detest the possibility falling flat on my face and getting rejected. It’s pretty shameful.
As such, I’d only go for these “either way, I win” tactics (one of which is the Prophecy technique I have shown you above.) This way, my success rate is way higher compared to the time I used cookie cutter “Pickup Artist” trickery almost exclusively.
Earlier I had told you about Derek Rake and how he taught me on using “Prophecy” as a Boyfriend Destroyer technique.
Shogun Method, his flagship program, is full of “either way, I win” tactics which are designed to make guys win BY DEFAULT.
Don’t get me wrong now…
Of course, I’m not implying that the Shogun Method is a magic pill.
What I’m saying is that if you can’t find success with Shogun Method, then chances are you’re not going to get any success either with cheap Pickup Artist tactics.
Makes complete sense, right?
What’s more –
Inside the Shogun Method, there are two Boyfriend Destroyer tactics (the Perfect Boyfriend sequence and the notorious Us Against The World routine.) in addition to a more elaborate version of the “Prophecy” technique that you’ve seen above. (Of course, there’s also the Boyfriend Smasher routine which is found inside the Boyfriend Destroyer Action Checklist which you can download here .)
Those are completely at another level when it comes to boyfriend destroying: and are only be used when things get out of hand…
For example, let’s say you use the Prophecy technique on her, and her relationship with her boyfriend starts to wobble.
You should then use the Us Against The World routine to knock him out and finish him off, showing absolutely no mercy.
This is what most guys miss when it comes to boyfriend destroying…
For best results, you often need a “one-two punch” because a single Boyfriend Destroyer tactic may be limited on its own.
Therefore, with if you have all four Boyfriend Destroyers in your seduction arsenal, you’ll be as lethal as it gets.
Pretty awesome, right?
Caution: Why Shogun Method May Not Be For You After All
OK, so here’s the deal.
I’ll be the first to admit to you that I completely swear by the Shogun Method, and I think it’s the best thing that has happened to guys since the invention of electric shavers and Italian supercars…
…and yet, I’m extra cautious when asked if I would recommend Shogun Method (or Boyfriend Destroyer tactics, or something as powerful as Fractionation) to everyone.
The truth is that the Shogun Method may not be for you. (Yes, shocking, I know!)
I’ll tell you the reason why, so hear me out, OK?
Like Boyfriend Destroyer techniques, the Shogun Method has the power to win the heart of the woman you want, and also the ability to harm her emotionally.
Now let’s talk about the darker side of the Shogun Method.
Many of Derek’s students would go absolutely nutters when they would use the Shogun Method indiscriminately on every Tammy, Doris and Hannah that they see…
… and as a result, they would leave behind a trail of emotionally damaged women everywhere they go.
Let’s not kid ourselves here. The possibility of a psychopath getting access to the Shogun Method and using it to harm women is VERY real.
For this very reason, I will only recommend Shogun Method to well-meaning and emotionally healthy guys who are after emotionally healthy women.
By the same token, I hope Derek will keep Shogun Method out of reach for psychopaths who will abuse the knowledge and use it hurt other people.
Take the Boyfriend Destroyer tactic that you’ve seen above…
There’s no stopping a fucking asshole from using this tactic to destroy a happy marriage, is there?
Look, I don’t have a solution for this problem.
All I could do is to ask Derek to limit the access to Shogun Method from time to time, and to properly screen his prospective customers before giving them the opportunity to buy the program.
So is the Shogun Method for you then?
Well, it depends on your motivation and your intentions.
Answer this question for me: are you motivated to take action? (Remember, Shogun Method is not a magic pill… you must apply what you learn for you to be successful!)
Or, perhaps more importantly…
Do you wish harm on the woman you want to use it on? (Remember, what goes around comes around!)
Only you have the answers to those two questions.
This is what I would recommend to you:
If you have only the best intentions, and you are ready to take action to improve your dating life, then click on this link below:
Click Here For The Fractionation Online Masterclass
Once you clicked on that link, a new page will come up.
On that page, enter your details to enroll into the online Masterclass where Derek Rake will share with you how to use these “either way, you win” techniques to put any woman under your control and dominance.
On the other hand, if you’re expecting something that will magically make women fall on your lap without much work, or if you want to fuck a woman’s life upside down, then go elsewhere. Thank you for understanding.
PS: If your registration doesn’t go through, it means that Derek has probably limited the access to the Shogun Method program as I have mentioned earlier.