To some guys, asking a girl out is a completely natural endeavor. However, this sometimes depends on the girl as well. Because of this, you might come across certain situations where you find it hard to ask out a girl, no matter how much of a Casanova you might. This might happen before you discover Shogun Method when you’re having problems with women. 😉

I’ve been using techniques inside Derek Rake’s Shogun Method for over a year now, and this is what I learned. Naturally, when I joined Derek’s group, the first question I asked his coaches was a succinct “how do I ask a girl out?” This was the answer that I got…
What you need to remember is that every guy can ask any girl out on a date. You can either blurt it out randomly, ask it in a note, or just do it naturally. There are tricks on how to get a girl to say yes, though, and this is how Shogun Method helped me. Naturally, that yes won’t always be guaranteed, but how you ask a girl out can make a huge difference in the long run.
First Things First…
This “how to ask a girl out” guide is quite comprehensive, and if you follow it carefully, then you won’t have any problems getting a girl to want you to go out with you – guaranteed!
However, given a number of details in this article, it’s easy to miss out one or two things which may turn out to be disastrous for you…
I’ll kid you not. If you happen to skip a crucial step or two then your chances of getting her to want to date you can be pretty slim indeed.
So, to prevent this from happening, I’ve written a short Action Checklist (downloadable in PDF format) which you can refer to whenever you want to ask a girl out.
Before you make your move, simply leaf through this PDF and check off everything in the list so that you don’t have to wonder if you’ve forgotten anything important.
Awesome, right?
Go ahead and download the Action Checklist now –
There’s one small catch, however…
When you’ve downloaded the Action Checklist, avoid sharing it with anyone else, alright?
Deal? Great. Now, let’s start! 🙂
Use Mind Control, Not Pickup Artist Tricks
I‘ll clarify this upfront: you won’t find any “Pickup Artist” (PUA) trickery here.
I’ve you’ve been researching about dating and seduction tactics online then I’ll have no doubt that you’d have stumbled upon PUA blogs and forums. The truth is that PUA tricks are nothing but a sham.
If you haven’t realized it already, pickup lines and “openers” will do nothing for you.
On the other hand, industrial grade Mind Control will give you the dating superpowers that you so desire as long as you abide by the rules (more on this later.)
For a firm grounding on how to use Mind Control to seduce a woman and put her under your control and dominance, watch this eye-opening online Masterclass (conducted by Derek Rake). Enter your primary email address below for an exclusive invite –

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Then, check your inbox for the invite – if you haven’t received it in a couple of minutes, then check your spam folder. Sometimes email providers (especially Outlook and Hotmail) make silly mistakes by filtering our important emails.
Seriously: watch the Masterclass – it may be the most important thing that you’ll do for yourself all year. Continue the rest of the article below when you’re done, OK?
Prepping Yourself Up
For starters, you need to know that you will never succeed at getting yourself a date if you aren’t sure about what you are doing in the first place.
Because of this, if there is anything that you absolutely must know in this department, it is that you have to ask girls out confidently. And this is a crucial step that you must take in order to attract women successfully.
Many of my Shogun Method compatriots jump immediately into using a fairly “advanced” technique such as Fractionation (go here if you want to learn more about this trick) but I do think that we could all do well with something more foundational in nature.
After all, using something as powerful as Fractionation could well be overkill when you only want to ask a woman out – not bed her immediately! (Of course, if you’re facing with something a little more complicated, like if she has got a boyfriend, then learning boyfriend destroyer techniques will be wise.)
In other words, be decisive when you ask a girl out, especially if it is the first time you are approaching her for a date. Having said that, you should make sure that you don’t sound too aggressive, either; otherwise, you might just scare her off completely. And you don’t want that to happen, right? 😉
Not many guys know this, but the key to seducing a woman successfully is to be as covert and under-the-radar as possible. My friend Fredo “The Human Dildo” Hill explained that point amazingly well in this short video –
Watch it before you continue, OK?
Going With The Flow, Or Overcoming Analysis Paralysis
Another thing you need to keep in mind is not to plan things out too much. This may seem hard to do, but planning out how you ask a girl on a date too much will ruin the evolution of your conversation altogether.
What if she says something that you didn’t expect her to say? What if she asks you something that you weren’t anticipating? This is why you have to go with the flow as much as possible when it comes to this.
Of course, there are some things that you can plan out beforehand, though. For instance, it would be smart to decide where you plan on taking the girl out on a date if she agrees to it. In fact, at the very least, you should have some ideas ready for this.
Girls happen to hate hearing guys say they don’t know where they want to go because they expect guys to take the lead.
For me, I go through the Intrigue Module inside Shogun Method and then prep myself up with a good dosage of Intrigue Pings. It’s like confidence in a bottle. 🙂
And to make sure you do this flawlessly, try to find out as much about her as possible in advance.
Is she the sporty type? Then plan out an adventurous date. Is she more of a stay-at-home type? Then ask her out on a movie date. If you have no idea how to find out her personality traits because you just saw her from across the bar, then take a look at her clothes and try to get subtle hints from there.
Makes sense, right?
Simple Grooming Works
Other things that you need to plan out ahead of time would include how you look and present yourself. Pick out a good perfume, for example, and make sure you look your best. Also, don’t forget to brush, gargle and floss. Who knows? She might want to kiss you good night when the date is over.
Another tip on how to ask a girl out would be to stay calm and collected while you do so. Although there are some girls out there who find nervousness flattering, guys usually succeed in this department more when they are relaxed and laid-back.
So, try your best to seem at ease whenever you ask a girl out.
Make small conversation, and laugh and smile whenever it is appropriate to do so. Make sure you listen to her when she talks, as well, and then say something simple like, “We should go out sometime.” Make sure you look into her eyes and smile as you say this.
Also, do not expect a positive response every time. Just be ready for anything that she might throw your way and you will be able to handle it, no matter what the outcome might be in the end. This is just a small sampler of what’s inside the Rapport Module inside Shogun Method – refer to it for more ideas.
How To Ask A Girl Out (With Nifty First Date Ideas)
Now, it goes without saying that there are a ton of different things that you could do on your date if she agrees to go out with you.
No matter what kind of girl she might be, though, it would be best to keep things relaxed and simple. Your ultimate goal here should be to get to know her better, after all.
STOP THINKING ABOUT BEDDING HER AT THIS POINT. So, whether you watch a movie, grab some coffee or go bowling with your friends, just make sure she has fun. That way, she will want to see you again in the future.
Remember: you will have plenty more time to spend alone time together if she grants you another date after this one. So, don’t overthink it, alright?
Pitfalls You Must Know And Avoid!
A lot of guys seem to think that they have to shower girls with attention in order to get them to reciprocate their attraction. Unfortunately, this isn’t true.
You see, girls love guys who have their own lives aside from them. Who would want to date somebody who has nothing going for them but their girlfriends? Think about this. This is why you have to keep your contact with her to a minimum.
Although it is alright to send her a few text messages every day to show her that she is on your mind, you shouldn’t come off as desperate by texting her and calling her too much.

It shouldn’t be forgotten that dating websites are quite popular in today’s day and age.
So, if you are trying to get a date online, then there is one tip that you will need to remember here: be honest, no matter what. DO NOT HEAR THE USUAL DATING GURU B.S. ABOUT FAKING YOUR PROFILE.
Don’t use old pictures of you, for example. Girls don’t want to be shocked by unexpected surprises on the day that they meet the guys that they were talking to online.
Also, whenever you send a girl a message online, make sure you keep it short and straight to the point. Your goal here should be to keep a conversation going with a girl that you are interested in, not to send her a list of different reasons why she should go out with you – remember that.
These are just basic online dating techniques, of course. You can pretty much use Shogun Method online and also through text: the principles work just the same.
And if you’re new to Shogun Method techniques, then you’re possibly missing out on what’s deemed to be the latest, most cutting-edge dating techniques ever to be used in the modern world.
Click on this link below and you’ll get to see a video on Fractionation – the original “mind hack” technique that has helped tens of thousands of Shogun Method devotees around the world to improve their dating lives.
How To Use Fractionation To Seduce Women (Online Masterclass)
And if you are wondering if this works on your ex and will compel her to come back to you, then answer is a resounding YES.
Good luck!