Admit it: all that you want out of life is to find a girl who will love you. Don’t worry. Every guy wants that. It is a part of being human, really. Every guy looks for the perfect girl who will fit into his life plan somehow and whether you want to admit it or not, this is the sole reason why you go out every weekend, hoping to hook up with a girl: to find your perfect match.ust for that.
In this guide, I’ll share with you the top seven (7) techniques you can use to make a girl like you. Dig in!
How To Get A Girl To Like You – 7 Tips To Set You Up For Success
OK, so now you are well equipped with a couple of fractionation-based story lines up your sleeve. Good. Now let’s get into the field to test out the secret seduction weapon that you have now.
- Tip #1: Prepare Yourself.
Believe it or not, the right preparations can instantly turn you into a chick magnet. So, before hitting the town and looking for the perfect girl for you, make sure you are wearing trendy clothes, know where the hot spots are in your area and look as good as possible.
If you do all of these things, you will automatically eliminate any potential problems from occurring in terms of your looks and ensure that girls won’t get turned off by you because of your appearance.
Remember: the only guys who refuse to make the right preparations before painting the town red are the ones who are fools. Don’t be one of them and never assume that you will somehow get lucky one night, even without thinking things through first. And doing your homework on fractionation will put you ahead of 90% of the guys out there already.
- Tip #2: Know The Area.
You need to be familiar where the hot spots are in your area before you head out. This would be especially important if you are new to the game. After all, if you are just experimenting on how to pick up girls right now, then the best place to do so would be somewhere nearby.
All that this really means is that you have to go to as many local parties and bars as possible. Get to know the girls in your area, as well as the other people around you, so that you can practice your social skills and widen your social circle at the same time. Besides, girls tend to respond much more to guys who are social than to guys who don’t seem to know anybody else in the vicinity.
- Tip #3: Show Off Your Value.
Once more people get to know you, you can start showing off your value to a girl that you like. Even if you think that a girl is way out of your league, you can win her over. You just need to start by hiding the fact that you find her intimidating to begin with.
To do this, turn the tables around and somehow make her feel outmatched. Most of the time, this merely has something to do with your own mindset. If you believe that you are a valuable guy, then she will believe it, too. Also, avoid looking desperate and clingy; this will only turn her off more than anything else.
- Tip #4: Bring Your A-Game.
Before approaching a girl, it would also be important to be as confident as possible – fake it if needed. Even if you have never spoken to that girl before, just start talking to her with a smile on your face and she will find you friendly and approachable enough to carry on a conversation with. It would help to maintain strong eye contact while you talk to her, too.
Also, make sure you ask a lot of questions (or run multiple conversation threads). Girls happen to love talking about themselves… and this is before you pull the fractionation trick, of course. She will then be all over you like white on rice, guaranteed. 🙂
- Tip #5: Build Up Some Suspense.
Another great way to get a girl exactly where you want her is to build up some suspense. Girls love suspense and drama by nature, so you have to offer those things up to them whenever you can. By building up some suspense, you can actually get any girl attracted to you and get her to stay by your side like a bee to honey.
- Tip #6: Keep Her Confused.
On that note, you should never make a girl feel comfortable and at ease in your presence. Instead, you have to make her work at keeping your attention on her. If you fail to do this, then she will fall into a sea of comfort and familiarity and lose interest in you pretty quickly.
Conversely, if you make it hard for a girl to figure out how much you really like her, she will stay interested in you for longer. This is why it would be best to give girls a hard time in understanding you. Once they see right through you and your game, your power over them will be over.
- Tip #7: Deliver Multiple Doses of Fractionation.
Not a lot of guys have heard of the art of fractionation yet, but it has been used by great pickup artists to win girls over in less than 20 minutes. Fortunately, you can learn how to use this technique yourself and pick up your own dream girl within that short time frame with ease.
Before you learn this technique, though, you should know that fractionation is called a dark art because it uses a form of hypnosis to win girls over. It is actually considered to be quite controversial in some circles, but it is definitely one of the most effective techniques out there to seduce girls with ease.
Since this technique isn’t very conventional and since it is still controversial in some circles, you should use it at your own risk, knowing that it can be dangerous in the hands of the wrong man.
To learn how to use the fractionation technique on women and make them fall in love rather quickly – read this article below.
You can thank me later. 🙂
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