To some guys, asking a girl out is a completely natural endeavor. However, this sometimes depends on the girl as well. Because of this, you might come across certain situations where you find it hard to ask out a girl, no matter how much of a Casanova you might. This might happen before you discover Shogun Method when you’re having problems with women. ð

I’ve been using techniques inside Derek Rake’s Shogun Method for over a year now, and this is what I learned. Naturally, when I joined Derek’s group, the first question I asked his coaches was a succinct “how do I ask a girl out?” This was the answer that I got…
What you need to remember is that every guy can ask any girl out on a date. You can either blurt it out randomly, ask it in a note, or just do it naturally. There are tricks on how to get a girl to say yes, though, and this is how Shogun Method helped me. Naturally, that yes won’t always be guaranteed, but how you ask a girl out can make a huge difference in the long run.
First Things First…
This “how to ask a girl out” guide is quite comprehensive, and if you follow it carefully, then you won’t have any problems getting a girl to want you to go out with you – guaranteed!
However, given a number of details in this article, it’s easy to miss out one or two things which may turn out to be disastrous for you…
I’ll kid you not. If you happen to skip a crucial step or two then your chances of getting her to want to date you can be pretty slim indeed.
So, to prevent this from happening, I’ve written a short Action Checklist (downloadable in PDF format) which you can refer to whenever you want to ask a girl out.
Before you make your move, simply leaf through this PDF and check off everything in the list so that you don’t have to wonder if you’ve forgotten anything important.
Awesome, right?
Go ahead and download the Action Checklist now –
There’s one small catch, however…
When you’ve downloaded the Action Checklist, avoid sharing it with anyone else, alright?
Deal? Great. Now, let’s start! ð
Use Mind Control, Not Pickup Artist Tricks
I‘ll clarify this upfront: you won’t find any “Pickup Artist” (PUA) trickery here.
I’ve you’ve been researching about dating and seduction tactics online then I’ll have no doubt that you’d have stumbled upon PUA blogs and forums. The truth is that PUA tricks are nothing but a sham.
If you haven’t realized it already, pickup lines and “openers” will do nothing for you.
On the other hand, industrial grade Mind Control will give you the dating superpowers that you so desire as long as you abide by the rules (more on this later.)
For a firm grounding on how to use Mind Control to seduce a woman and put her under your control and dominance, watch this eye-opening online Masterclass (conducted by Derek Rake). Enter your primary email address below for an exclusive invite –

Get an exclusive invite to Derek Rake's online Masterclass by entering your best email address below. No credit card required.
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Then, check your inbox for the invite – if you haven’t received it in a couple of minutes, then check your spam folder. Sometimes email providers (especially Outlook and Hotmail) make silly mistakes by filtering our important emails.
Seriously: watch the Masterclass – it may be the most important thing that you’ll do for yourself all year. Continue the rest of the article below when you’re done, OK?
Prepping Yourself Up
For starters, you need to know that you will never succeed at getting yourself a date if you aren’t sure about what you are doing in the first place.
Because of this, if there is anything that you absolutely must know in this department, it is that you have to ask girls out confidently. And this is a crucial step that you must take in order to attract women successfully.
Many of my Shogun Method compatriots jump immediately into using a fairly “advanced” technique such as Fractionation (go here if you want to learn more about this trick) but I do think that we could all do well with something more foundational in nature.
After all, using something as powerful as Fractionation could well be overkill when you only want to ask a woman out – not bed her immediately! (Of course, if you’re facing with something a little more complicated, like if she has got a boyfriend, then learning boyfriend destroyer techniques will be wise.)
In other words, be decisive when you ask a girl out, especially if it is the first time you are approaching her for a date. Having said that, you should make sure that you don’t sound too aggressive, either; otherwise, you might just scare her off completely. And you don’t want that to happen, right? ð
Not many guys know this, but the key to seducing a woman successfully is to be as covert and under-the-radar as possible. My friend Fredo “The Human Dildo” Hill explained that point amazingly well in this short video –
Watch it before you continue, OK?
Going With The Flow, Or Overcoming Analysis Paralysis
Another thing you need to keep in mind is not to plan things out too much. This may seem hard to do, but planning out how you ask a girl on a date too much will ruin the evolution of your conversation altogether.
What if she says something that you didn’t expect her to say? What if she asks you something that you weren’t anticipating? This is why you have to go with the flow as much as possible when it comes to this.
Of course, there are some things that you can plan out beforehand, though. For instance, it would be smart to decide where you plan on taking the girl out on a date if she agrees to it. In fact, at the very least, you should have some ideas ready for this.
Girls happen to hate hearing guys say they don’t know where they want to go because they expect guys to take the lead.
For me, I go through the Intrigue Module inside Shogun Method and then prep myself up with a good dosage of Intrigue Pings. It’s like confidence in a bottle. ð
And to make sure you do this flawlessly, try to find out as much about her as possible in advance.
Is she the sporty type? Then plan out an adventurous date. Is she more of a stay-at-home type? Then ask her out on a movie date. If you have no idea how to find out her personality traits because you just saw her from across the bar, then take a look at her clothes and try to get subtle hints from there.
Makes sense, right?
Simple Grooming Works
Other things that you need to plan out ahead of time would include how you look and present yourself. Pick out a good perfume, for example, and make sure you look your best. Also, don’t forget to brush, gargle and floss. Who knows? She might want to kiss you good night when the date is over.
Another tip on how to ask a girl out would be to stay calm and collected while you do so. Although there are some girls out there who find nervousness flattering, guys usually succeed in this department more when they are relaxed and laid-back.
So, try your best to seem at ease whenever you ask a girl out.
Make small conversation, and laugh and smile whenever it is appropriate to do so. Make sure you listen to her when she talks, as well, and then say something simple like, “We should go out sometime.” Make sure you look into her eyes and smile as you say this.
Also, do not expect a positive response every time. Just be ready for anything that she might throw your way and you will be able to handle it, no matter what the outcome might be in the end. This is just a small sampler of what’s inside the Rapport Module inside Shogun Method – refer to it for more ideas.
How To Ask A Girl Out (With Nifty First Date Ideas)
Now, it goes without saying that there are a ton of different things that you could do on your date if she agrees to go out with you.
No matter what kind of girl she might be, though, it would be best to keep things relaxed and simple. Your ultimate goal here should be to get to know her better, after all.
STOP THINKING ABOUT BEDDING HER AT THIS POINT. So, whether you watch a movie, grab some coffee or go bowling with your friends, just make sure she has fun. That way, she will want to see you again in the future.
Remember: you will have plenty more time to spend alone time together if she grants you another date after this one. So, don’t overthink it, alright?
Pitfalls You Must Know And Avoid!
A lot of guys seem to think that they have to shower girls with attention in order to get them to reciprocate their attraction. Unfortunately, this isn’t true.
You see, girls love guys who have their own lives aside from them. Who would want to date somebody who has nothing going for them but their girlfriends? Think about this. This is why you have to keep your contact with her to a minimum.
Although it is alright to send her a few text messages every day to show her that she is on your mind, you shouldn’t come off as desperate by texting her and calling her too much.

It shouldn’t be forgotten that dating websites are quite popular in today’s day and age.
So, if you are trying to get a date online, then there is one tip that you will need to remember here: be honest, no matter what. DO NOT HEAR THE USUAL DATING GURU B.S. ABOUT FAKING YOUR PROFILE.
Don’t use old pictures of you, for example. Girls don’t want to be shocked by unexpected surprises on the day that they meet the guys that they were talking to online.
Also, whenever you send a girl a message online, make sure you keep it short and straight to the point. Your goal here should be to keep a conversation going with a girl that you are interested in, not to send her a list of different reasons why she should go out with you – remember that.
These are just basic online dating techniques, of course. You can pretty much use Shogun Method online and also through text: the principles work just the same.
And if you’re new to Shogun Method techniques, then you’re possibly missing out on what’s deemed to be the latest, most cutting-edge dating techniques ever to be used in the modern world.
Click on this link below and you’ll get to see a video on Fractionation – the original “mind hack” technique that has helped tens of thousands of Shogun Method devotees around the world to improve their dating lives.
How To Use Fractionation To Seduce Women (Online Masterclass)
And if you are wondering if this works on your ex and will compel her to come back to you, then answer is a resounding YES.
Good luck!
This was cool and pretty much what I already knew (Shogun Method member since 2012). Some poor fella will find it helpful though, I’m sure.
Fractionation is required knowledge for all guys, old and young, period! Seducing women without knowing this technique is like a boxer trying to win a fight with one arm tied to his back.
yes, i have, i just don’t know if she has feelings for me…
hi im daryn from IA I want to ask a girl out named lilly shes awesome but im in middle school so im new to this I have her dad as a teacher next year so that helps (NOT). im flipping out I need help a lot of help so if you could get back to me plz
from daryn
I am with you on that one buddy!
hi there is this one girl she says she has a big forhead but i dont care i want to ask her out what should i do
Dude ask her out bro!
I got a small dick and I aint saying shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Your forehead is so wide and charming. It makes me… feel like kissing it.”
Works on those types every time. I guarantee it.
Or it makes you sound like a douchebag. Thanks for nothing!
……what the heck, your forehead?
If you don’t care then just ask her out bro!
Dude, just tell her, “Hey, let’s go to this cool thing (whatever it is).”
what do you do if a girl ask you out? and you say yes ? and they dump you the next day!
Aim for the head
You delete their numbers, raise your middle finger high in the air, and never talk to them again!
Well bud, that’s called bad luck!
you slap them [metaphoricly speaking]
daryn she ride my bus!!!!!!!!!!!
Be confident women love this also practice on girls you dont like and finally learn to take rejection. “Those who learn to take rejection never get rejected”.
That’s true as hell!
I like girl in my class’s and i relly like her and in class she said she wanted me.this might help
Do not be too upfront with her! Sometimes it takes a while. Try to get a friendship going before you get into dating. Remember,always stay cool,calm,and collected. Good luck!!
There’s this girl girl ive liked since primary school i really like her. Im really desperate.
Drop her an Intrigue Ping. See Shogun Method. That’s all I gonna say
I did exactly what was recommended here and I went on dates with three different girls in the same week!
You’re a stud!
i got laid the next next i used this it works. i also grew 4inches after this
… you may have just had an erection.
Shots fired!!
got em
I was always attracted to the girl next door and decided to use some of your techniques and ask her out on a date. It didn’t go as well as I had hoped for and she ended up telling my wife when she got home from work. Girls are unpredictable, aren’t they? ð
Hi my name is Josh. I really like this girl and I am always nervous around her and I am always tongue twisted….what should I do?? Also I got rejected by other girls and always feel like she will do the same.
Practice makes perfect!
Just be honest and up front with her if you like her then tell her. Even if other girls rejected you that doesn’t mean you are a bad guy. It just means that they are not for you and that might be a good thing too.
You haven’t found the right girl, and so don’t worry about getting rejected. Just follow your heart and ask the girl you really care for. I hope this helps!
Dude, listen. If you don’t ask her then you will never know if she will really say yes or no. Go for it, man!
You will get rejected.
Wow… big confidence builder!
Please don’t. She could be the one for him.
Hey thanks for these tips! I’m that guy who’s a total flirt but when it comes to actually asking her out I get scared and chicken out. I’m done being that guy (well, the second part, anyway)! I’m sure these tips will help. Thanks.
I like a girl and I liked her for a long time her name is Harley she is really pretty.but I don’t know what she will say if I ask her out and every time I look at her she is always looking at me and I smile and she always smiles right back last year she used to sit behind me in math class and I would look at her and she would smile and I was so shy and me being a dumass didn’t know what to do.
Dude, I know how you feel, trust me!
Same here
Dayrn, all you have to do is get a conversationgoing with her and get her to loosen up. Then ask her if she would want to go see a movie this weekend or go to a game. Don’t worry about having her dad next year. If your a good kid he won’t have any problem with you. You might even be one of his new favorites.
Good luck Daryn I like this girl too but I don’t know what to say were good friends but this past week I have tried pushing myself to say it but in the end YouOnlyLiveOnce so go for it and also I will ask her out
Im sure some day that would be helpful but not all the it will work but ill give it a try
I like a girl and she always hangs out with her friend and I need help to ask her out plz
Don’t be afraid. Just go for it!
Just wait until she’s alone then go ask her.
Good luck.
Yeah I made a silly mistake a couple of years ago asking a girl out when she was surrounded by her friends, it was actually pretty funny. I mean don’t get me wrong I was heart broken but it was pretty funny.
Im Triston and I want to ask a girl out. Her name is Jessa, the thing is any time I ask someone out all my friends make fun of me and I don’t want any one to know Im also embarrassed to say it and even if I worked up the nerve I don’t know how to ask.
Walk up to her like talk to her to see her in between classes and when she meets up with you say “hey do u want to go with me to the movies?”
Go for the girl, bro!
I can relate. For me, writing a note and putting it in her locker or binder when she isn’t looking has worked. Or have a friend of yours give her the note when you’re not around. Have her write you back or have her text you later. If you can’t ask or tell her something in person, do it behind paper or over the phone where she can’t see your face and you can’t see hers. Good luck Triston!
I banged this bitch last night she had fatest ass I ebver seen in my life that shit was gooooooooooooooooooooooooood
So there’s this girl i like her name is Jada but I’m not sure how to ask her out. I’m not even sure if she knows i exist lol. Anyway if u can plz get back to me
I really like this girl at my school. She is in a few of my classes and we work together in class a lot. We get along well, but when I try to talk to her about stuff other than school, I get super nervous, any tips?
This website ROCKS! I asked this pretty girls named Molly out and she said yes!!!!!!!
Im a girl, but I like a girl. (No judging, please) and idk if she’s straight or gay, and I really like her. Im not sure how to find out or how to ask her out. Anyone please help?
Have a friend ask her about it so that she takes the heat!
It’s really helpful. If only I had read this before my first date. But I’ll try again. Thank you so much.
Me and this girl were going pretty good as friends a few years back and I really like her but we sort of drifted apart from each other.
I feel it would be awkward to start randomly talking to her with out a reason.
Depends on how you drifted apart – if it was nothing you could control then she would probably be happy that you starting talking to her again.
Girls are easy to understand once you quit overthinking about stuff. Just be her friend again and go from there. Afterall, she probably might think that its her fault that you quit talking to her!
(Some) women make me sick. “why don’t guys ask girls out?”. Guys can never ask girls out for these reasons; 1. feminism 2. it’s not the girl’s business if a third party chooses not to ask her out 3. fear of rejection; asking girls out, leads no where in the end. it is a waste of time
Actually guys tend to over think things and contemplate on everything instead of doing things!
how do i ask a girl to be my girlfriend?
Help! I like this girl but I don’t know what to say to her. What do I say?
I’m a freshmen and also not the best looking, but I want to ask out this girl I’ve known for about a year out. I don’t know if she even likes me.
Your job is to make her LIKE YOU! Foremost, don’t get all hung up on her. The bullshit advice, “BE YOURSELF” is just that , utter bullshit. Be very comfortable with yourself. You statin g that you are “not the best looking” already you are disqualifying yourself. Stop that shit! You are a man. All female wants a man who is in total control of himself , grounded, sure of himself, and centered. BE IT!
Now in terms of “game” , just fucking approach her already! For example ,”Hey I see you here all the time and I like that smile you’re wearing! Gives off good vibe! What’s your name?” (Don’t offer your name… have her ask on her own) Diane? Nice. I even like that name. Listen I gotta run but we should hangout and get some coffee and chat…. when are you free? (PAUSE! wait for answer) …. that’s it…. But remember, the key will be your confident tone, body language, and pleasant comfortable flirty eye contact. This shit I shared is only tip of the iceberg.
Will (freshman), here is piece of advice that will help with both women and life. Don’t think about what’s “wrong” with you, think about what is RIGHT with you. Learn to love yourself.
For example, here’s what I love about myself: I am proud, I am charming, I am funny, I am a dedicated Cross Country runner (and I’m hella fast too), and I am super compassionate and philosophical.
Learn to understand yourself completely before you expect someone else to. Come to grips with who you are and learn to love what you see in the mirror.
In addition, the point of dating is not to “know if a girl likes me” but rather to get her to like you. Love is a big mind-game (these aren’t the droids you’re looking for) and you need to stop overthinking it. You can’t win the game based on strategy. You can only win based on your strength of will. Just ask her out and see where it goes. If it goes nowhere, you’ve lost nothing. If it goes somewhere, you’ve gained everything.
There is a girl who I like that lives a decent amount away and I like her and she said that she likes me but she wants time to be alone. Did I mess up?
No dude. You didn’t mess up (probably). Some women are just weird like that and will do that to you. Don’t get hung up on her. Just move on. If she doesn’t like that, she really has no right to be mad at you. Move on because you are a proud Alpha and there plenty of deer in the forest. It’s rare that you meet your soulmate/life-partner during high school or middle school, so don’t worry about it. She’s really not worth missing other opportunities for. Just move along…
This is cool. Where can I learn more about fractionation?
Go here:
(copy pasted from above)
You’ll learn a lot! If you want to exchange notes then contact me
Hey, i’m Stewart and i (well obviously) like a girl a lot. Like others, she kinds of shuns me and never gives me a lot of eye contact, almost like she’s afraid of me, which doesn’t sound good. Does anybody know what way i can get that edgy stare and flip it on it’s side. I’m so sick of being alone.
Since rejection is always guaranteed from any woman, I never ask any out – there is no point. I have lots of woman friends and wish I could have a girlfriend but since no woman could ever be sexually attracted to me, I never bother. My trouble isn’t rejection – it’s coping with going through life in the knowledge I’ll never be with a woman.
“Every guy can ask any girl out on a date”. True, every guy *can* do it – but why would a guy like me bother asking when it’s a fact that complete rejection is guaranteed every time? No woman could ever be attracted to me, so I just mind my own business and leave them alone.
There is no point in me asking any woman out because rejection is always guaranteed no matter what. Nothing works for guys like me.
Rejection is always guaranteed no matter what I do, so why bother asking any woman out? Iâm not âafraidâ of rejection â I just donât see why I should bother putting myself out there if it will never go anywhere. It’s like me (at 36 years old) deciding to become an Olympic sprinter – just not going to happen.
Follow your dreams and if u have missed your chance then keep on trying till you get an opportunity just as great. And don’t stop trying for girls. The rIght person is out there
Following my dreams of having even one woman say yes to me would be completely delusional. I don’t even make eye contact with women except at work or in other professional contexts (restaurants, coffee houses, stores, etc – where women employees are paid to be pleasant to clients). There is absolutely zero interest in me from any woman anywhere and as such there’s no point in me asking any woman out because rejection is always guaranteed no matter what. Nothing works – or ever could work – for guys like me. If I were to smile and say hi to a woman, she’d probably scream, run in horror, or worse – charge me with sexual harassment. There is nobody out there for me so there is no value in asking anyone ever.
Paul: that sounds like an exaggeration. Seriously.
Really, Mark – which part sounds like an exaggeration?
As far as I’m concerned there really is no point in trying because complete rejection would be guaranteed every time. I’m not sexually attractive to any woman and there’s nothing that can be done. My woman friends often tell me I’d be a great boyfriend, but nothing ever happens.
I want to start getting girlfriends but I don’t know how to ask them out. I don’t want it to sound cheesy?
The question isn’t “how” to ask a woman out, it’s “why”. Women add nothing positive to a man’s life. They are all cost and zero benefit. The only safe way to deal with women is to avoid and ignore them.
John: that’s not true and deep down you know it.
Nope – what I’ve said is what I’ve learned to be true. Deep down, shallow, and everything in between.
I think I have fallen in love with one of my friends but I don’t know how or when the appropriate time/place is to ask her I am confused because I am a senior in high school and I don’t want the chance of losing her. She would be my first girlfriend and I will be her first boyfriend. I am scared of the thought of losing her.
Advising me to ask a woman out is telling me to risk being charged with a criminal offence. Just flirting with a woman in Western society could be â and often is â construed as sexual harassment. Iâm an extreme introvert, and have never tried to flirt in the first place â I am certain Iâd be an abject failure no matter how many times I tried. Added to this, the very real potential for legal issues to arise from my trying to show a woman my interest in her makes me just not do it. She’s just a human being after all, so why should I risk having my reputation and hard work destroyed in the court of public opinion just because she has no interest in me?
i could really use the help….
So this person that i like, she likes things that i like, its really cool and we seem to get along a lot, we met last year and we talk a lot on chat but not in person for some reason… i’m not sure what to do, i feel like she is my soulmate even though i’m only in 7th grade… I am trying to make enough courage to ask her if she likes me and if she does, ask her out, but i feel like i will be rejected. can anyone help me?
For those of us who are extreme introverts and who arenât used to approaching women and hooking up all the time, it takes literally every ounce of courage we have to approach women at all, even just to say hi. From the time weâre teenagers, we see overzealous girls who will call it sexual harassment and try to ruin a guyâs reputation if he so much as says hello. No, thatâs not an exaggeration.
I remember being 18, standing around for a bus, asking a woman who was probably 23 for the time because my phone was dead. She went off on a rant, apparently perceiving this as a pickup line, and judging me of course unworthy, even though I just wanted to figure out when the next bus was. And every time I said âsorry to bother youâ sheâd go off again. âwhat kind of man says Iâm sorry!!â Itâs women like that we remember, when we think about saying hello, and it just shuts us down completely. There are many more stories I can recall right now of that sort. The fact is, Iâm now 31 have never so much as held hands or kissed a woman â and of course Iâve never been asked out by a woman either.
So my question is â why would I, or any other guy â take a 50/50 risk of being screamed at and called a creep in public, and / or accused of sexual harassment with all the ensuing destruction to all areas of my life?
Youâre clearly talking to guys who are actually capable of attracting a woman. There is no point in me even talking to any woman. Any other guy (and I mean an other guy) who walked by would be incomparably more attractive than me no matter what I look like, how I dress, or what I do or say. Women don’t want undesirable guys like me to approach or interact with them in any way, so I don’t. This is not to do with confidence, itâs simple fact.