Without a doubt, the power of touch should never be overlooked when it comes to relationships. However, you should know that touching a woman’s heart with emotions is just as effective. In fact, it is usually much more effective overall. The heart is full of powerful emotions, after all. So, if you can use your actions and your words properly in order to bring about powerful feelings in a woman, then you can definitely take the utmost advantage of them in the long run.
Do you sometimes notice that whenever you think about something and concentrate really hard on that thing, certain feelings start popping up in your heart? If you concentrate on an idea, thought or feeling long enough, it could actually affect your life and the people around you in certain ways. So, if you keep thinking about negative things, you will end up feeling negative about everything else in your life. In other words, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Conversely, if you stop thinking negatively and start thinking positively, you can get your feet firmly on the ground and experience positive things all the time. So, if you want to learn how to touch a woman’s heart, you have to start with your own mindset first and foremost.
The second thing that you have to do is focus on your words. Words have the power to heal and help or hurt and harm a person. Unfortunately, women tend to dwell on every single word that men tell them. So, if you say something harmful to a woman in the morning – whether intentionally or not – she will hold a grudge until you apologize for it. So, be very careful when it comes to your words and make it a point to be as encouraging and as uplifting as possible whenever you can. The good news is that you cannot ruin anything with kindness; so staying positive would definitely be a good move, no matter what.
On that note, words aren’t the only things you need to focus on, though. You will need to pay heed to your actions, as well. After all, they are known to speak louder than words. If you really want to win a woman over, you have to model desirable traits and actions, such as love and affection. Do special things for her when she least expects it, as well. That will definitely help you win her over in no time… especially when you’ve got a technique like Fractionation up your sleeve. 🙂
By now, you should know exactly how powerful emotions can be when it comes to touching a woman’s heart. To get to her emotions, make sure you concentrate on positive thoughts, use uplifting and kind words towards her and take loving actions to make her affections for you grow. Whether you are already in a relationship with this woman, want to take things a step further or have just started dating; these steps will definitely help you move along in your relationship. Just make sure you stay consistent and follow them all the time.
So that’s all, you may also want to see my previous blog post that will surely help (if you’ve the Asian fever… and oriental girls are your cup of tea!). And if you’re into something more edgy, click here for boyfriend destroyer tactics.
Live long and prosper,
That article rely took my approach to a higher level 4 am not very succesful with women. may be u cud xplain on how to confess your feelings for the first time and give out things a girl may consinder for a boy 4 her to reciprocate his feelings.
my mom in law response me by dressing my favorite colour whenever I visit to her and also she cook for me for good food.& she is 43 and I 29 so. now whenever I say something to her that u look very gorgeous and beautiful she smilies and that feel her very cute so how do I seduce her that Im in love with her I want herwhat to do. tell me.
Bro, your mother in law? So you are married? Nah man, that’s just not cool. The age difference will kill your relationship right away anyway. It might be nice for a while, but it’s an uphill battle with an older woman. If you want to bang and move on, then fine go ahead and straight up tell her, while destroying your current marriage.
Hi, I really don’t know how else to put this forward.This may sound odd. But here it goes. I used to sleep with a girl on same bed but never had sex with her. But when I felt I should not make her feel bad if I ever had sex with her. I proposed her, she became distant. Stopped seeing me suddenly. she used to be in a relation, had a bad break up. and she says she could never recover from it, hence can’t be in a relation. I was dumbfounded, I mean we used to sleep together and cuddle, her head on my shoulder same bed. Her arm wrapped around me and we used to cuddle. I really miss all those. Nowadays she wants to meet me only once a month, and when she meets she borrows money. I was thinking if I could use that as one of the reason as she owes lots of cash. But how do I convince a girl who owes me cash to get in a live in relation? or What do I do to get things back like before? I’ve ran out of ideas for either. Anyone got bright ideas?