Did you finally get her number? Good for you! Now, you have an excellent platform to start getting to know her and hopefully convince her to date you. Just make sure, you don’t screw it up. As much as texting is today’s generation’s main ways of communicating, it can also lead to confusion and mixed signals if done wrong.
You don’t need to master the art of texting in order to make it work, although doing so will definitely help. If you’re just starting and completely clueless on what to text her, here are some basic texting etiquettes to guide you along.
How To Text A Girl You Like
- Just Do It.
As Nike’s tagline’s goes, “Just do it!” Don’t over think or over analyze. The fact that she gave you her number only means that she expects to receive a text from you at some point. Perfecting the right texts to say is unnecessarily. This is only the keeping in touch part so doing it is basically the best action to take. - Stick with Simple and Casual.
When initiating a first text to a girl you like, there’s never a wrong way to do it so long as you keep it simple and casual. You can start with something like, “Hi! Just thought I’d say hello!” If she replies, that’s your cue to keep the conversation going. If she doesn’t, you can try again at a more opportune time.
- Text at the Right Time
There is always right timing in everything. That’s also true for texting. If you want your texts to matter, do it at night, on weekends or after work when she is more likely free to entertain and reply to you. - Use Simple Questions
Once the connection has been established, use simple questions to keep the conversation going. You need to give her a reason to reply and asking questions is the way to go. Start with inquiring about how her day was. As you get to know each other more, craft questions that are more personal to show her you’re paying attention. Use the techniques inside this article – Good Pickup Lines That Work Like Magic. - Spice It Up with Emoticons
Though texting is a great way to get to know a girl you like, there are limitations. For one, you cannot be as funny or as humorous in text as you are in person. Fortunately, there are emoticons that can emphasize the right emotions. Use it whenever you can and be creative when doing so. - Flirt Occasionally
One way to keep texting conversations exciting is through flirting. But don’t do it all the time or that might bore or become a turn off for the girl. Inject it once in a while especially during opportune moments when she’s talking about herself or what she’s good at. - Keep Her Engaged
Though texting is just a stepping stone to the next phase – dating in person – you should still go the extra mile by ensuring to create memories. One way to do that is to be as personal as possible as the getting-to-know phase progresses. At some point, you may also need to text mushy and sweet messages but only if it matches her personality.
Of course, you can also use texting to plant seeds of doubt in her mind about her boyfriend (if she has got one.) If you need some Boyfriend Destroyers to use to remove that jerk out of her life, then click here.
Gone are the days when getting to know a girl was a difficult hurdle for men. Today, there are numerous platforms at your disposal to make the girl you like interested. One of which is texting. When used with the right balance of emotion, connection and sexual tension, texting can eventually make her like you too.
Good luck!
Rowan Palmer says
Hey Mark!
I’ve been looking at the ins and outs of different sonic/underground websites over the past week. And this page was perfect for what I was after at the time :p
The main two problems I always have with texting / online messages, is getting girls to be interested enough for ongoing replies. And to have the girl interested enough to ‘want’ to escalate the conversation and take things a bit further.
I find myself taking large risk and leaps to ask girls out (from the cyber world). As you can tell it’s not going that great for me!
I find that now girls online ego is through the roof as there are hundreds of boys that try to talk to the desirable girls.
Could you please help me with these problems? I’m 19 so this is mainly for girls around my age (or slightly older).
Rowan Palmer
Freddy says
And it’s a lot simpler than you think.
In fact, there are some texts you should NEVER send a woman – they instantly kill attraction if you know what I’m saying.