Learning how to hook up with a girl can definitely be challenging. After all, not a lot of guys are lucky in the world of dating. Plus, a lot of guys tend to get scared before they even approach a girl to begin with. If you are one of these guys, then you need to finally change your feelings and thoughts on this once and for all. Hooking up with girls is both thrilling and exciting and you definitely need to get into the game if you don’t want to end up lonely and miserable for the rest of your life.
While it may be true that you might mess up and get rejected along the way, you should remember that these mishaps could spice up the whole experience. So, throw your paranoia out of the window and start living your life to the fullest for a change. Here are several tips on how to effortlessly hook up with a girl like them and make her yours in no time while you’re at it.
The first thing that you will need to work on is your overall attitude. A lot of the time, hooking up with a girl is all in the mind. Basically, if you tell yourself that you can do it, you will be able to do it. Conversely, if you keep getting nervous and scared at the mere thought of hooking up with a girl, you will have a harder time getting anything done. So, before anything else, set your goals straight, build up your confidence and leave your comfort zone for good.
The next things that you will need to work on are your moves. Fortunately, flirting with girls (click here for a guide) can be very exciting. This basically involves exchanging positive body language signals, talking effortlessly and casually, and getting a bit closer to the girl that you like. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t focus too much on impressing her the whole time, though. Just make sure you have fun and have a good time overall.
You might not believe this, but the way that you smell will play a big part here, too. So, before going out to meet a girl, put some effort into your presentation. Take a bath, brush your teeth, put on some decent clothes, and make it a point to smell good at all times. A well-chosen scent can actually work as the ultimate aphrodisiac while you are out on the town because girls always pay attention to guys who smell good.
If you are planning on winning over a complete stranger, then make sure you are prepared for the discomfort and tension that might abound in the beginning. Don’t let this scare you off, though. Believe it or not, tension isn’t always bad. Besides, the more you get to know each other, the more that negative tension will turn into something positive. Who knows? It may even turn into sexual tension as time goes by, so don’t be afraid to get closer to a girl if you like her.
jason says
All these tips and advice are good but they need more details and examples to illustrate the point.