Do you need some good pickup lines that work like magic? Well, you’re in luck for this is the perfect article for you. You may know all the basics of dating, but it pays to be a little loose sometimes. Be warned, though. If you want to find witty or funny pickup lines that don’t really make a lot of sense when it comes down to it, then you might want to search elsewhere instead.
What you will find here is a whole collection of proven, guaranteed, well-known and field-tested real life pickup lines that will help you succeed in wooing girls from all over the world.
Other pickup lines that you might find online will mainly just give you one-liners that may work every now and then, but won’t work all the time. The ones that you will find here, on the other hand, won’t just give you strong openers, but even comeback lines that will really help you get what you want in no time. Here they are:
1. “Wow. Your eyes are so beautiful. Are those contact lenses?” Of course, this would only work if she isn’t wearing any contact lenses. When she tells you that she isn’t, you can then follow up with, “Wow. I still can’t believe those are real.”
2. If you’d rather be cute about the eye thing, try using this pickup line. “Your eyes are really cute.” Then pause for a little while and follow up with, “Oh, wait. I think the right one is a bit cuter than the left one.”
3. If being cute is your thing, you can also try this one on for size: “I love that dress on you.” And follow up with, “You must have had a lot of practice on Barbies as a child.”
4. If you’re daring, then you can try staring at your girl of choice until she gets annoyed and looks straight back at you. Before she gets to complain or say anything, though, beat her to the punch and go, “Will you stop staring at me already? You’re really making me self-conscious.” And then laugh – hopefully with her.
5. If the girl you are eyeing is wearing high heels, then you can approach her and say, “I love your heels. How short are you actually without them?” Make sure you say this with a cheeky smile, though, so she won’t get offended by your statement, especially if she’s Asian because your humor might be different from hers.
6. If the girl is playing a bout of hard-to-get, you can tease her a little bit by saying, “Ah! The tough act. You kind of remind me of ex in that way. Don’t worry. I know exactly what you’re doing here. I also know that, deep inside, you have a little princess hiding inside of you just waiting to be pampered. Come out, princess. Come on out!”
Most of these pickup lines will work very well. However, the real secret to making the best out of them would be to say them in a sarcastic manner and to use the right body language to match your words at the same time. This way, you can really get the reaction that you want from the girl that you are eyeing.
Advanced Pickup Lines
Now the pickup lines that I shared above should get you started, but if you want some extra “power” in your pickup adventures then consider using fractionation. Derived from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnosis, this technique is one of the most powerful hypnotic “patterns” ever been invented in the underground seduction communities in the 1990’s.
Using fractionation, dating experts have been able to demonstrate their ultimate ability to make women fall in love with them in as little as 15 minutes from start till finish. This technique involves making a woman go through a series of emotional ups-and-downs (similar to soap operas on TV) – and in the process “exploit” a woman’s psyche to trigger off emotions of attraction to the man. It’s pretty explosive.
Needless to say, fractionation has got the power to HARM women, and for that reason, it can be dangerous if the technique falls into the hands of men who are out there to harm women. If you are one of these men.
Now if you promise to only use this technique ethically, then click here for an instruction video. If you do not agree, DO NOT CLICK ON THAT LINK.
Joe says
Cute pick up lines. But aren’t they a little too immature? Honest opinion. No disrespect intended.
Sara says
Sorry but I’m kind of confused on how these are supposed to work. I was kind of bored so I decided to look up pick up lines for guys and I just don’t understand this.
Maybe the first one about the contacts is nice (as long as she’s not wearing contacts but… I don’t know.) Maybe I’m weird but these wouldn’t really work on me.
Rostit says
Do people think this actually works? I mean really? Remind her of your ex? I have actual game and these moves are all bullshit that people use who have zero clue or don’t want to get laid.
James Miller says
These are pickup lines that do actually work. Because you use a neg you don’t come across as a cheesy, needy guy. Well done!
Gilly says
Haha aww, some crazy cute pickup lines here… If a boy said some of these to me he’d be mine! 😛
varinder says
Excuse me, I just noticed you noticing me and I just wanted to give you notice that I noticed you too.
Michael says
Some really good conversation-starters. Nice one!
jay says
I wish I knew all this before. I really suck at women!
James Walter says
What are the best “yes” lines from the person being seduced?